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你当前所在页面: 大田环球首页 > 黄金学院 > 现货白银 > 现货白银交易手续费多少钱,现货白银交易有什么成本









除了点差费用以外,还有一项基础的交易成本就是持仓过夜费用,现货白银交易作为全球性产品,开盘日内可24小时交易,自然有不少投资者想要持仓过夜,这就需要缴纳一定的隔夜费用,隔夜费用的计算公式为:买卖价位 * 合约单位 * 买卖手数 * 当天买卖利息 * 过夜日数 / 360日,当然这与点差费用有着较为明显的差别,隔夜费用并不是每一笔交易都必须支付的成本,若我们在当天了结交易单,即可免除隔夜费用,或尽可能减少持仓隔夜的天数,亦可降低隔夜费用的成本。


本文来源: 大田环球贵金属



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Trading bullion and financial instruments carries significant risks and may not be suitable for all investors, requiring careful consideration of investment objectives, experience, and risk tolerance. Key risks include market volatility, leverage risks that can amplify gains or losses, liquidity issues that may prevent executing trades at desired prices, and technical failures in online trading systems. Prices fluctuate unpredictably, and past performance does not guarantee future results. CIDT Global Bullion Limited provides general market commentary but does not offer investment advice and is not liable for any losses incurred from reliance on its information, which may change without notice.

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